Sleep Related Disorders for Kids
As one of the leading sleep dentistry offices in Ladera Ranch, CA, we take pride in helping our youngest patients with their sleep disorders. Sleep related disorders manifest differently for children than adults. It is best to diagnose the problem early in order to guide the kids back to an ideal head and jaw development. Sleep-disordered breathing in children has been found to have serious impacts including low IQ, delayed growth, bed wedding, diabetes, and difficulty in school.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is caused by a narrow and collapsing airway which restricts oxygen flow during sleep. The narrow airway originates from underdeveloped jaws, a process that starts in our infancy. A soft and processed food diet slows the development of our jaws, leading to underdevelopment, and future airway disorders. Other factors affecting the development of our jaws include:
How long the child was breastfed
Is the child getting a soft/mushy food diet
Was a pacifier used, and for how long
Poor oral habits, such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting -Mouth breathing
Tongues that are restricted/tied.
Treatment has the best results when started early. Dr. Facer has been focused on helping kids expand airways as they're developing.
Symptoms in Children
Studies have found that Sleep Disordered Breathing, caused by conditions like Sleep Apnea have a serious impact on children, with symptoms such as:
Enuresis (bed wetting)
Difficulty in school (three times more likely to have grades of "C" or lower)
Restless sleep
Delayed/stunted growth
Low IQ
Frequent sinus issues
Serious allergies or frequent congestion
Aggressive behavior
Anxiety & Depression
Frequent cough or throat clearing
Take the Sleep & Breathing Questionnaire for Children. Contact us with your results.

What to Look for in your Child
There are some common signs that can signify that your child is underdeveloped facially. Some of the most often seen signs are:
Crowded or crooked teeth
Thumb/finger sucking
Tongue thrust
An open bite
Nose crease (from frequent nose wiping)
No spaces between baby teeth
Worn down flat teeth
V shaped palate
Venus pooling (purplish blue smudges under eyes)
Swollen tonsils
Small narrow chin
Deep bite
Head forward posture
Snoring at night
Mouth breathing while at rest (while watching TV)
Difficulty with speech
Hyperactive or fidgety (been diagnosed with ADA or ADHD)

Take the Sleepiness Scale Survey. Contact us if your score is 9 or over.

Vivos Treatment
We can easily test disordered sleep thorugh the VivoScore Home Sleep Apnea Test. The device is contained in a ring that sends the wearer's data to a mobile app for the evaluation and diagnosis of sleep apnea. Results are comparable to an overnight, in-lab polysomnogram.
Once diagnosed, a sleep apnea appliance is one of the easiest ways to deal with apnea, and it works very well in almost all but the most severe cases. This appliance is very much like a sports mouth guard. Its purpose is to apply gentle pressure along the palate and lower jaw to promote growth and development.
The brand we like to use in our office is Vivos. Vivos is a highly respected style of sleep appliance that has been proven to provide excellent results. But why choose a Vivos appliance over conventional orthodontics? There are quite a few reasons. Vivos:
Is gentle and non inflammatory
Can be started at the age of 4
Is holistic in harnessing the bodies ability to heal and correct under developments and asymmetries
Is non-Surgical
It promotes lip seal, nasal breathing, and proper tongue posture which are all critical to continual jaw development

Vivos Treatment
We can easily test disordered sleep thorugh the VivoScore Home Sleep Apnea Test. The device is contained in a ring that sends the wearer's data to a mobile application for the evaluation and diagnosis of sleep apnea. Results are comparable to an overnight, in-lab polysomnogram.
Once diagnosed, a sleep apnea appliance is one of the easiest ways to deal with apnea, and it works very well in almost all but the most severe cases. This device is very much like a sports mouth guard. Its purpose is to apply gentle pressure along the palate and lower jaw to promote growth and development.
The brand we like to use in our office is Vivos. Vivos is a highly respected style of sleep appliance that has been proven to provide excellent results. But why choose a Vivos appliance over conventional orthodontics? There are quite a few reasons. Vivos:
Is gentle and non inflammatory
Can be started at the age of 4
Is holistic in harnessing the bodies ability to heal and correct under developments and asymmetries
Is non-Surgical
It promotes lip seal, nasal breathing, and proper tongue posture which are all critical to continual jaw development

How Does Vivos Work?
It may seem farfetched that a small rubbery appliance can help. The way the sleep appliance works it multifaceted.
First the appliance applies gentle and consistent pressure along the palate and lower jaw to guide the bone development into a broad healthy shape.
Second, the shape of the appliance helps the child place their tongue along their palate, which is the ideal tongue posture. Creating proper tongue posture habits will allow the child to continue jaw development even when the appliance is not being worn.
Third, the appliance promotes nasal breathing through providing a lip seal when it is being worn. Mouth breathing has many negative health effects, some of which are; lack of filtration of the air, irritation/inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids, dry mouth, and a higher risk of cavities.
We have seen that the Vivos appliance does so much more than get the teeth in a better position. We are focusing on getting the jaws to a more ideal size, which means the teeth will have the space to fit in an ideal position. In many cases the child can skip early stages of orthodontics, but possibly need braces later to fine tune the positioning of the teeth. Vivos not only helps the teeth into the right position, but sets the child up for a future of overall better health and oral habits.
Before and After

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