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  • What do I need to know?
    At Facer Hales Parker Dentistry, our dental implants can help achieve the smile of your dreams through dental implant placement. Do you want to feel happier, more comfortable, and overall confident? Your smile can be the first thing people notice about you so let’s make it the best it can be! Let us help you restore the function of your teeth to eat all the foods you have been avoiding.
  • What are dental implants?
    Dental Implants replace teeth with a titanium structure that is placed in the bone to mimic the roots of your teeth. They can be for any adult 18 years or older and allow that person to confidently live their life to the fullest by smiling, eating, laughing, talking, with confidence!
  • Dental Implant Eligibility: Who can get them?
    Any adult who is healthy enough to undergo a dental or oral surgery can be considered for dental implants! The patients should have sufficient bone to hold the implant. Our expert implant dentists will require the patient to have good oral hygiene and attend regular dental visits. After dental implants have been placed and restored our expert implant dentists encourage regular oral hygiene appointments. Eligibility for dental implants can completely depend on our expert implant dentist’s discretion. Some patients may not be considered eligible for dental implants. Our expert implant dentists will take a thorough look through a patient’s entire health history. Some patients with uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, blood clotting disorders, drug abuse, smoking, or any problems with their immune system may not be considered eligible but this is completely up to our expert implant dentist’s discretion.
  • When should you get dental implants?
    There are many reasons to get dental implants. Whether you’ve had dental trauma or want to feel comfortable with your mouth again! Several reasons people consider dental implants can include: Dental trauma, tooth loss, no longer wanting dentures. Depending on the reason why you want to get dental implants can affect when you should get them. If you have lost teeth then you will want to get dental implants as soon as possible because the bone could sink down and deteriorate. If your bones are insufficient and are not in good shape then you may not qualify for dental implants without another procedure. If you do not have sufficient bone you may need an initial bone replacement procedure to qualify for dental implants. The short answer when you should get dental implants is ASAP before you could become ineligible!
  • What are the benefits of dental implants?
    You should feel confident with your smile that should last a lifetime! There are lifelong benefits of getting dental implants that can impact your overall quality of life. · Improved Overall Quality of Life: Dental Implants allow your smile and teeth to function normally which can increase your comfort and confidence. · Improve your Appearance: Getting dental implants preserves bone and prevents further deterioration of the facial structure. With dental implants, wrinkles and other facial structures will stay in place and you can look years younger! · Eliminate Health Issues: having dental implants will improve your overall health.
  • How are dental implants done? What is the procedure?
    The dental implant surgery is performed in our dental office. Either way that the surgery is performed, the intention is that our expert dentist will replace tooth roots with metal, screwlike posts, and replace damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like real ones.
  • What are the steps to get dental implants?
    Step 1: Initial Consultation At this appointment our patient concierge and our expert implant dentists will evaluate and prepare you for your dental implant procedure! The initial consultation will not take long unless bone grafting is necessary then it could take 3-6 months. This can be the most exciting part of the Dental Implant process, you can start to envision your confident life just around the corner! Step 2: Procedure The procedure itself takes 1 to 2 hours. You can be asleep during the procedure by using anesthesia or sedation (oral or IV). Many patients will use local anesthetic/freezing which is a popular way to control any pain. The procedure will be virtually painless and quick! Step 3: Follow-up Visit After the procedure, there will be a healing time which could be from 3-5 months but you can start eating again within 24 hours! Our expert implant dentists will require a few follow-up visits to monitor the dental implant healing.
  • How much are dental implants?
    The cost of dental implants will vary depending on the difficulty of the procedure. Typically, a single dental implant completed with a crown can range from $2,000-$4,000. This price includes the cost of the surgery, implant, all the components, and the implant crown. Unfortunately, generally, dental insurance does not pay for this procedure but the typical way to pay for a dental implant is through optional 3rd party financing offered by our office. Click Here
  • What types of dental implants are there?
    There are three main types of dental implants: endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic. Endosteal Implants Endosteal implants are the most common and highly utilized type of dental implants. They are suited for most patients but require an adequate amount of bone for the implant to integrate/fuse into. These implants are the foundation for the final post and crown. Dental implants are shaped like artificial roots. The type of endosteal implant selected is based on the amount of bone, the quality of bone, and our expert implant dentists expectations of how the final restoration will look, feel, and function. Subperiosteal Implants Subperiosteal Implants are rarely used and are the main alternative to Endosteal Implants. This type of implant is the only procedure available when bone grafting and bone levels are inadequate. Two surgical procedures are required to make and insert a subperiosteal implant. Unlike standard implants, a subperiosteal must be custom-made to fit the contours of a particular person’s bone. Subperiosteal implants rest on top of the bone but are still under the gum. Zygomatic Implants Zygomatic implants are an alternative to the more traditional implants listed above and are the least common type of dental implant. These implants are anchored into the jawbone and After the surgery, fixed teeth can be replaced after three days. There are also two types of alternative non-removable denture dental implant techniques: All-on-4 and All-on-6 Implants All-on-Four or All-on-Six dental implant-supported dentures have advantages over both a full set of dental implants and traditional non-supported dentures. § Unlike regular dentures, All-on-Four or All-on-Six dentures don’t require relining or replacement on a regular basis, and don’t have to be removed daily for cleaning. Instead, as is common with dental implants, the full-bridge of teeth can be cared for in much the same way as your original teeth. § All-on-Four or All-on-Six implants also have advantages over a full set of individual dental implants. These implants are more cost-efficient and four can be supported by existing bone more readily than a full set, and the implants can possibly be set at an angle to utilize existing bone. There can be circumstances that the final bridge/fixed denture can be placed the same day or within a day or two. § Having this procedure as soon as possible after complete tooth loss is highly recommended, as the bone will not have less time to atrophy/deteriorate away and will still be able to support the dental implant procedure.
  • Why should I choose this treatment?
    · Can be placed and restored in as little as one day · Only requires 4 or 6 implants per arch · Feels & functions like natural teeth · Fixed into placed · Allows patients to eat the food they desire · Preserves facial structure · Long-term solution/most cost-effective · Risks of Getting Dental Implants · Dental implants have a high success rate, and failures are relatively rare. Issues include infection and poor healing, failure to integrate, underlying medical condition, lack of bone or excessive bone loss, implant breakage, or fracture. Our expert implant dentist will review with you if you are at risk for any of these and how to best mitigate and minimize the chance of them happening.
  • Are dental implants worth the investment?
    Dental implants provide individuals a lifetime of endless enjoyment of all aspects of life. The joy of being able to eat their favorite foods without worry or discomfort. People smile with total pride, confidence, and a new natural feeling and looking cosmetic appearance. Today’s modern procedures performed by our skilled expert implant dentists using quality materials, combine for very high success rates. Learn about how implants have changed the lives of some of the patients we’ve helped get dental implants.
  • How long do dental implants last?
    Implants usually last a lifetime as long as you are maintaining brushing, flossing, and routine dental appointments. The lifespan can be affected by several factors including smoking of any kind and drug abuse.
  • Can you break a dental implant?
    Dental Implants can break, although it’s very rare. The materials and technology used today make them very reliable.
  • Can a dental implant fall out?
    Most dental implant surgeries are successful with a failure rate of less than 5 percent! But if an implant does ever move or fall out then schedule an appointment with our expert dentist immediately.
  • Does food ever get under implants?
    Occasionally some type of food can get caught between the soft gum tissue and the implants. Some food such as popcorn husks or tiny seeds.
  • Can you get dental implants in a day?
    Yes, many dental implant procedures can be done in one clinical appointment. However, every case is different and our expert implant dentist will make the final determination. Typically, a traditional surgery requires placement of the implant and restoration/teeth placed 4-6 months this allows for the integration of the implant into the bone.
  • Do dental implants stay white?
    The crown/tooth placed on top of a dental implant does remain white. They are designed to resist typical staining, but over time calculus/tartar could build up and require routine dentist visits.
  • How long after dental implants can I eat again?
    Our expert dentist will give you a specific treatment recovery plan on average we recommend only eating soft foods until you have recovered from surgery. Typically, after all, dental surgery, a person should avoid spicy, or extra hot food or drinks. It’s often advised not to drink from a straw for 24 hours as well. Our expert implant dentist will provide specific directions for you to ensure a smooth recovery.
  • What are the best dental implants to get?
    There are many dental implants for different types of situations but experts have said that titanium screws with a permanent crown or implant-supported bridge are the most long-lasting option for most people. Our expert dentist will advise on the preferred methods and materials at your initial consultation.
  • Should I get a bridge or an implant?
    There are benefits of both, but ultimately our dentist will determine which procedure you are eligible for and which is right for you. Bridges do not require surgery but do require sufficient teeth that are not health compromised. Dental implants which do require surgery and recovery are a long-lasting solution.
  • How painful are dental implants?
    Most people do not experience much discomfort within 1-2 days after dental implant placement. Our dentist will prescribe you a pharmaceutical solution to handle the discomfort. Generally, after a few days, regular over-the-counter medications (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen) can be useful for any discomfort.
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