In the land of Ladera, with smiles so bright, There's a dentist named Lincoln, a beacon of light. With his team by his side, they're a wondrous crew, Transforming the dental industry, it's oh so true!
From cleanings to crowns, they do it all, With care and compassion, they stand tall. Dr. Lincoln Parker, with his gentle touch, Makes every visit feel like not much.
Innovating and leading, with each passing day, They're changing the game in every way. From the youngest of tots to the oldest of folk, Their expertise shines bright like a beam of hope.
So here's to Dr. Lincoln and his team so grand, In Ladera Ranch, they're taking a stand. For better smiles and healthier teeth, They're the ones to thank, without a wreath.
So if you're in need of dental care, Look no further, they'll be there. Dr. Lincoln Parker and his merry band, Transforming dentistry across the land!
